Knights of Columbus - Council 2505
Everday Knights around the world, and here in Lakeland, are given opportunities to make a difference, whether through community service, fundraising, helping fellow Knights and parishioners, and prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion, and his dedication to building a better world.
As we celebrate 100 years as a council at St. Joseph, our guiding principles of Faith, Family, Community, and Life continue to be opportunities for all men in our church. If you are 18 years or older and a practical Catholic, you are eligible to join a group of your peers, as a Knight of Columbus.
If not YOU. Then Who? If not NOW, then When?
For more information, please contact the Pastoral Center for more information.
This is a lay ministry to bring Holy Communion to those in our parish who may be homebound, hospitalized, or in nursing home/retirement facilities.These ministers must first be trained by the Diocese as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion and fingerprinting is required. There is also a training program for these ministers to the sick which is also required. Please contact the Pastoral Center for more information.
Ministry of Consolation/Grief Support
Lay parishioners in this ministry provide support to individuals or families experiencing a period of grief and mourning after a death. This includes providing a minister and assistance with planning of a wake service/vigil service prior to the funeral mass, as well as the liturgy for the funeral mass and burial. These ministers may also assist with reception arrangements. The Ministers of Consolation/Grief Support may also assist anyone interested in prearranging a funeral. Please contact the Pastoral Center for more information.
Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization through which Catholic men and women form an army for Mary to do spiritual work for the glory of God and His church. Some of the apostolic work includes visiting the homebound, distributing the Eucharist, transportation, volunteer work at the church, participation in R.C.I.A., attending funerals and wakes and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. St. Joseph’s Faith Community has two Legion of Mary Praesidiums. Weekly meetings are held on Mondays at 2:00 pm for Our Lady of Sorrows Praesidium and on Thursdays at 6:30 pm for the Queen of the Universe Praesidium. Both meetings re held in the Pastoral Center Conference Room. Please consider joining us in honoring Our Blessed Mother at one of the meetings. If interested, please contact either of the names below.
Meet on Mondays at 2 p.m. at
Meet on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at