Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
We invite you to come and spend one hour a week with our Lord in prayer. Hourly coordinators are responsible for having someone present before the Blessed Sacrament. If you cannot commit to a specific hour each week sign up to substitute, or drop in anytime. Please come and pray with us. Our schedule for exposition is:
Wednesday: 9:00a to 11:45a (in the church)
Altar Guild
What is an altar guild? An altar guild is a parish group organized for the purpose of preparing all things related to worship at Masses, weddings, funerals and sacraments (i.e. altar cloths, candles, vestments etc.)
This ministry is perfect for you, if:
Altar guild work is a gift to God. Altar Guild members prepare a place for the coming of Our Lord in the celebration of Holy Eucharist and other sacraments. The preparation is done in a manner so that any service may be conducted in decency, order and beauty for the worship of Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord. It is your unique ministry to His church; your gift of your time and talents to His altar.
Members of the Altar Guild perform one of the most important functions of the church. Without their efforts, the Masses on Sunday and during the week could not take place, at least not as the people are accustomed to seeing them. Please join us.
On the job training available!!
Altar Servers
The Ministry of Altar Servers is one of the most rewarding ministries for children. At an early age, they learn what it means to serve God and the Church. They assist the priest and other ministers at the Mass. The Altar Servers may also be asked to help at other liturgical celebrations (weddings, funerals). Boys and girls in grade 5 and up and who have received their First Communion are invited to participate in this ministry.The candidate is offered training during the year by appointment through the church office. Once the training is completed, they will be asked to serve at weekend Masses. Anyone wishing to be part of this ministry may contact the parish office and sign up for the next class.
Art and Environment
The Ministry of Art and Environment is involved with the decoration of the Church, inside and outside, as celebration and season demand. The ministry’s work primarily takes place during the times of seasonal change (i.e. Advent, Lent, Triduum, Easter) when the Church is transformed to reflect the mood of the season. All are invited to help in this important ministry. There is no necessary training, nor any set times. Simply show up in work clothes when you hear the announcement at Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
The Minister of Holy Communion must be a practicing Catholic, who is fully initiated and an active member of the Parish Community. This person must show evidence of a positive sense of the church and a willingness to be formed in the ministries of the church. The Minister of Holy Communion is commissioned for a given period of time and then re-commissioned every two years.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is alive and well at St.Joseph! If you are a talented singer or musician of any age, consider giving your gifts to the music ministry. Here is the rehearsal schedule:
Adult/Youth Choir – meets every Wednesday in the church at 6:30p.
The Lector or Reader ministers to the community by proclaiming the Good News of the scriptures to the assembly at Mass. In so doing, they help the people of God to truly hear the Word that will shape their lives. Candidates for this ministry must be registered members of the parish, have received their Confirmation and are welcomed at the recommendation of the pastor. They are trained as needed. After attending this workshop, they are asked to serve as reader at the weekend Mass time of their choice. Readers are needed for all Masses on the weekend, as well as the 12:00 p.m. daily Mass. Anyone wishing to be a part of this ministry may call the church office for more information.
Sacristans have the important responsibility of making the necessary preparations for the Mass and caring for the various articles (e.g. vessels, vestments, candles) used in the liturgy. Because of the necessary maturity and responsibility needed for this ministry, candidates must be at least 25 years old and have the recommendation of the pastor. Assistant Sacristans must be at least 16 years old. Sacristan candidates must undergo training with another Sacristan for a length of time determined by the respective sacristan and the pastor. After suitable training, they are asked to serve at the weekend Mass time of their choice.